A child was born to a harness maker in France. All was well until he was injured in his father’s workshop at 5 years in the 1800’s. Tragedy had crossed his path for the result was becoming blind and at that tender age. However, direction veered him towards an opportunity. God was in this seemingly awful calamity. A local priest, Father Jacques assisted the boy so he attended the local village school and finally joined The Royal institute of Blind Youth in Paris. Schooling is a process requiring great discipline and diligence. This blind young man struggled against the odds and developed the raised dot alphabet known today as Braille. It has seen thousands of blind people communicate and proceed adequately with their lives. Yes, he did struggle, and then died in 1852 of TB, but the truth is, he left a mark in the world despite his challenging circumstances.
I hope today’s the kind of Saturday
That brings smiles and you laugh outloud.
May you experience sunshine and ignore the clouds.
A kind of day that is meant for you! #Suzie Favourite Magazine#

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